What is Acupuncture?
If you’re suffering from chronic or acute pain — such as headaches, neck or back pain, nerve pain, arthritis or tendonitis — and you’re looking for alternatives to medication and surgery, acupuncture may be right for you. Treatment involves the use of extremely thin sterile needles to reduce or relieve pain. The needles are inserted into specific points on the body that have been shown to correspond with specific points in your body’s nervous system. The stimulation of these nervous system points can result in pain relief, general relaxation and restoration of the nervous system’s normal state.
What To Expect During Your Appointment?
Many people find acupuncture to be relaxing and experience minimal discomfort during treatment. This treatment is safe and effective and is often used successfully as an alternative to drugs.
Benefits of Acupuncture!
- Increased circulation
- Decreased inflammation
- Relief from pain
- Relief of muscle spasms
- Tissue regeneration and healing
What Is Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)?
Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), also known as functional dry needling, is a therapeutic procedure which involves the advancement of a thin needle into a dysfunctional muscle in the body that is identified to be the cause of pain or movement limitation. It is an evidence based treatment that has bee n demonstrated to be highly effective for many conditions at all stages of recovery. It is widely used in both injury rehabilitation and prevention among all patient populations.
Benefits of IMS/EMS treatment include:
- Decrease in myofascial pain, tension, and joint stiffness
- Improvement in joint and overall mobility -usually immediate effects can be noticed
- Improvement in neuromuscular function
- Naturally reducing inflammation
- Reducing PAIN
- Balancing our Autonomic nervous system
- Improving circulation
- Reducing muscle strain and stiffness