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Cobblestone Medicine And Rehab Centre Services

  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractic Care
  • BIOFLEX Laser Therapy
  • Registered Massage Therapists
  • Osteopathic Medicine
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy services
  • Certified Pedorthist – Custom Orthotics and Bracing
  • Kinesiologists/Athletic Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Concussion Impact Testing, Management and Rehab services**
  • Custom and Orthopedic Bracing – Knee and Shoulder
  • Titleist Performance Institute Golf Instructors – Level 3 Medical professional
  • Advanced Running and Gait Analysis Screening
  • 1 Hour Pilates Sessions with therapist
  • Registered Nurse – Diabetic Footcare
  • Vestibular and Vision Therapy
  • Family Medicine physician & Nursing Staff
  • Injection Joint Clinic

Acupuncture Providers

Dr. Tyler Fletcher DCbfdae10af86b22ea206203a0582578b9
Dr. Steve Martinow DC

Certified in Contemporary Medical Acupuncture and traditional Chinese acupuncture (McMaster University)
We use the best evidence based practice and the latest contemporary scientific medical knowledge about the treatment of pain and dysfunction using neuro-functional acupuncture and electro-acupuncture.

Benefits Include:

  • Naturally reducing inflammation
  • Reducing PAIN
  • Balancing our Autonomic nervous system
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing muscle strain and stiffness

Custom Orthopedic Bracing – Knee, Wrist and Shoulder Bracing048f4d6905cd8eeed98c07b20c15351d

Don Joy Bracing Certified

Custom braces are a very effective way to decrease pain while improving a persons mobility, coordination and strength. All of our braces are designed with your OWN specific measurements and contours to ensure exact proper support for long term results.
We also carry bracing options for ALL extremities.

Most insurance companies will cover braces up to 100% – this includes Workers compensation accidents and motor vehicle accidents**

Titleist Performance Institute Golf Instructors

Dr. Gary Dix DC0287c4aac30769734542bc7a3883580c
Level 3 – Medical Golf Fitness Instructor
Dr. Tyler Fletcher DC
Level 1 – Medical Golf Fitness Instructor

TPI or Titleist Performance Institute was created to provide players with a TOTAL game experience. Over 70% of PGA tour winners have used the TPI analysis as a part of their game play strategy. Even though you may not swing exactly like a pro we can help improve your golf game!

Impact Concussion Testing and Concussion Rehab Management Program

Dr. Tyler Fletcher
Director of Concussion management, rehab and testing,
Advanced vestibular rehab therapist

The Impact Concussion Test is the first, most widely used and most scientifically validated computerized concussion evaluation system.

This test is used by all professional teams including NHL, NFL, MLB and NBA. It was developed in the 1990’s by medical doctors. Impact is a 20 min. test that has become a standard tool used in the clinical management of concussions for athletes and head trauma patients.
This type of evaluation can provide standardized objective measures. Baseline or post injury testing can occur with patients. Baseline testing is recommended pre-injury. Once diagnosed with a concussion, specific rehab management can occur which will help the patient get back to their normal daily lives.
Baseline tests are completed on a computer online. We are two locations for testing to be completed. We can provide space for individual testing to teams or large sporting leagues. It is recommended to call ahead of time for booking. Most testing can be same day appointments. For atheletes under 20 yrs of age testing should be completed yearly and for atheltes 20 years and older every 2 years.


  • Measures player signs and symptoms
  • Verbal and visual memory
  • Processing speed and reaction time (1/100th of a second)
  • Helps with proper return to play decisions
  • Provides consistant reliable baseline testing information
  • Printable report of findings – can be mailed to other clinics, family doctors or other healthcare professionals
  • stored in our clinical database for future testing and comparison

Our clinic staff have been trained in the testing. Impact testing is used as one important component of our rehab program. It will help with return to play decisions after the concussion acute brain injury.

Baseline and follow up testing is recommended for ALL athletes.

Our clinic is actively involved with:

  • Junior C Hockey – Paris Mounties
  • Brantford Bison’s Football Leagues
  • Brantford Boys Minor Hockey Association
  • Brantford Girls Minor Hockey
  • Brantford City and Galaxy Soccer
  • Brantford Harlequins Rugby
  • Ancaster Minor Hockey
  • Canadian National Figure Skating pairs7dfde71bbda97446c7b60dcb2283f8f6
  • Burford Minor Hockey League
  • Ayr Minor Hockey League
  • Brantford Youth Soccer
  • Paris Youth Soccer
  • Brantford Aquatic Club
  • Paris FC Rep Soccer Club
  • Paris High School Football and rugby teams

Our clinic also helps with:

  • Brant, Haldiman, Norfolk and Simcoe District Catholic School Board Concussion testing and school protocols
  • Grand Erie School Board concussion testing
  • Grand Erie District School Board – Paris District High School

Toronto Sun News – Concussion Rehab Video in Our Actual Clinic

National News Articles

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