How Can Concussion Treatment & Rehabilitation Help?

Rest is no longer the best approach to concussion care.

Prolonged Concussion Symptoms, formerly known as Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS), create a complex clinical picture that requires a specially-trained and experienced concussion clinician to solve.  Our clinicians are ready to help find the root-cause of lingering symptoms!


  • Proper Pacing and detailed concussion education
  • Impact Concussion testing (Baseline and post injury testing will be completed on the first visit and usually 2-4 weeks thereafter)
  • Extensive concussion trained multidisciplinary rehab team
  • Visual/ocular rehab, Vestibular rehab, balance rehab, strength/stretching exercises, gait analysis, postural analysis and heart rate/BP analysis
  • Proper return to learn techniques following evidence based methods
  • Proper return to play/sport following evidenced based methods
  • Exertional testing
  • Final Sign off with our Medical physician(s) and/or referral back to patients family physician

Return to Learn.

Concussion symptoms can affect memory and concentration, which can impact academic performance. Return to learn helps students gradually return to mental activity and learning.

Our therapists offer personalized plans and provide updates to parents and teachers.

Return to Play.

Return to play is a step-by-step rehabilitation strategy and concussion protocol including assessments and sport-specific activities to determine physical and cognitive recovery.

Our practitioners work with athletes through the stages of concussion recovery.

Current recommendations are for a stepwise return to play program. In order to resume activity, the athlete must be symptom free and off any pain control or headache medications. The athlete should be carrying a full academic load without any significant accommodations. Finally, the athlete must have clearance from an appropriate health care provider. The program described below is a guideline for returning concussed athletes when they are symptom free. Athletes with multiple concussions and athletes with prolonged symptoms often require a very different return to activity program and should be managed by a physician that has experience in treating concussion. The following program allows for one step per 24 hours. The program allows for a gradual increase in heart rate/physical exertion, coordination, and then allows contact. If symptoms return, the athlete should stop activity, notify their healthcare provider before progressing to the next level. When returning, the athlete must start with the step last completed successfully.

Stage 1 – Complete cognitive and physical rest

Stage 2 – Light aerobic exercise

Stage 3 – Increase sport specific exercise

Stage 4 – Non contact practice

Stage 5 – Full contact practice

Stage 6 – Return to Full Activity