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Cambridge Brain Sciences – Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Concussion/mTBI Program

What is CBS Health?



CBS Health is an online brain health assessment service that accurately measures core elements of your cognitive
function, including memory, attention, reasoning and verbal abilities. Your healthcare practitioner will use these
measures to assess, monitor and manage core areas of cognition that are key to your mental health and wellness.

Benefits of CBS Health

Convenient – CBS Health is web-based and flexible. Assessments can be
completed on desktop, laptop and tablet devices, no pen and paper or
special hardware required
Engaging – CBS Health tasks take only 1.5 – 3 minutes to complete, and
are highly engaging, enjoyable and unintimidating. Plus, interactive and
repeatable task tutorials will ensure you get up to speed on the task
Actionable – CBS Health allows you to quantify the core elements of
cognition and track your cognitive trends over time, validating that
treatment or wellness plans are having the desired effects, or allowing
you to detect episodic changes to your cognition.

  • Tasks used in 300+ peerreviewed
    studies of cognition
  • Over 8 million tasks completed
    globally, and counting
  • Backed by over 25+ years of
    scientific research


I feel like I did not do well on my assessment – should I be concerned?
You should not be concerned if you feel you did not do your best – there is no such thing as “best” for this type of assessment.

The tasks are designed to be challenging and to assess your limits by getting increasingly difficult as you answer questions
correctly. Please be aware that this is only a snapshot of your cognition at the moment you are completing the assessment and that cognitive performance tends to fluctuate naturally from day to day depending on many factors (like your sleep quality, stress level, nutrition, exercise regiments, etc.).

I could not complete my assessment due to an interruption or technical issue – what should I do?
If you’re interrupted or experience a technical issue during the assessment, contact your healthcare practitioner and describe the situation, as well as the task you were on, so that results for that specific task can be interpreted appropriately. If you experience a technical issue that prevents you from accessing the assessment, let your practitioner know the operating system
and browser you are using.

How long does the assessment take?

Assessments can vary in length depending on the number of tasks your practitioner has chosen. A four-task assessment will
take roughly 15 minutes, while a full 12-task assessment may take approximately 40 minutes. You can view the approximate
length of the assessment on the first page of your assessment.

How will my practitioner use the results?

CBS Health is used in a variety of different ways, ranging from annual monitoring of your cognition to evaluating recovery from
injury to validating treatment plans or interventions designed to improve your brain health. We encourage you to speak with your healthcare practitioner to learn more.

What does a CBS Health report look like?

You can view a sample report here. Reports will indicate raw scores and percentile ranks compared to others of the same age
and gender, as well as tracking your results over time (if you’ve taken assessments previously).

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