Cobblestone’s flagship location is home to Brant County’s largest multidisciplinary healthcare team, offering expert care in over 10,000 sq. ft. of state-of-the-art clinical and wellness space. Experience the highest standard of care in a modern, collaborative, and compassionate environment!


Dr. Tyler Fletcher D.C, DAc,
BSc Kin (Hon)

Dr. Gary Dix D.C, TPI

Dr. Michael Morley

Tony Chen, PT
Focusing on Orthopedic and Movement Based Rehabilitation

Beth Shannon
Focusing on Orthopedics, Neurological Rehabilitation and Vestibular Conditions

Tanis Bolton
Focusing on running performance and sports injury

Namrata Shaw
Focusing on Orthopedics and Neurological Rehab

Syed Waqar
Focusing on Orthopedics, Vestibular Rehab, Acupuncture, and Functional Ability Evaluations

Isha Trivedi
Focusing on Pelvic and Women's Health, and Pediatrics

Dhruvdatt Joshi
Focusing Orthopedics and Vestibular Rehab
Massage Therapy

Tyler Mirco

Devon Haimes

Taylin Beechey

Rachel Mastrangelo

Karen Grsic

Cailtyn Bodor

Yaroslav Diaz

Tasha Lahey

Diane Bush
Counselling – Registered Social Workers and Psychotherapists

Charlene Mercer

Frances Westerhof
Focus and Interest - Child and Youth Counselling

Amanda Graff
Focuses: - Anxiety - Fear - Low self-worth - Grief & loss (trauma) - Substance use

Jennifer Braniff

Meril Anthony

Dr. Beverly Tingley

Andrea Doroszkiewicz
Osteopath Practitioners

Victoria Podlaski

Lana Alyonkina
Custom Orthotics and Advanced Foot Care Nursing

Brad Reichenbach

Jacqueline Reinhardt
Yoga and Meditation

Christy Croome
Registered TCM Acupuncturist

Scarlett Antaloczy (Dr. A)

Anna Shleykova
Naturopathic Medicine Doctors

Dr. Jenn South

Dr. Helen Kim ND
Medical Doctors

Dr. Ross Male
Medical Services are affiliated only and independent of Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Inc. Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Paris
Neuro-Optometry and Vision Therapy

Dr. Patricia Fink
Specializing in Developmental and Neuro-Optometry

Natasha Birch
Speech Language Pathology and Cognitive Communication

Sarah Gillespie
Registered Occupational Therapists

Patti Bruder, Reg. OT
Authorized Assistive Device Program (ADP) Provider

Alexandra Bowen
Home Care and Assistive Services ADP

Waleed Noor

Avery Jones
Personal Training and Sports Conditioning

Tristan Ferenczy

Connor Bassie
Clinical Psychology

Dr. Lorden Tingley
Patient Experience Team

Robyn Ozog

Jackie Christiaens

Hannah Regli

Letha Winger

Emma Field

Shelby Kopczyk

Dawn Jaques