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Suffering from Prolonged Concussion Symptoms? We Can Help!

Persistent Concussion Symptoms (PCS) can be quite debilitating as they affect numerous physiological and cognitive processes throughout the body.

In order to achieve proper recovery, patients often need to take a holistic approach and heal the body, and brain, from the inside.

The Concussion Fix program was created out of a massive need to educate patients on how concussion injuries can affect not only the brain; but the gut, autonomic nervous system regulation, inflammation, cardiac function & blood flow, breathing rate, neck function, AND increase the propensity for nervous system hyperarousal, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, and depression.

We know that concussion recovery depends not only on what patients do INSIDE treatment, but what they do OUTSIDE of treatment.  And, since patients spend only 1% of their time with their healthcare provider, The Concussion Fix program helps to fill in the gaps and provide additional support for the other 99% of the time.

Sign up with us today!

Any questions? Let us know!

(519) 442-2237



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