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Cobblestone Injection Clinic News

Did you know we have a FULL Injection Clinic at Cobblestone?
Here’s some information on one of our most popular injections we offer in the clinic!

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a new and exciting
treatment. PRP is becoming increasingly popular
because of its effectiveness in treating various sports
injuries, as well as, osteoarthritis. PRP is viewed as
a very “natural” treatment that is derived from your
own blood, and does not involve the injection of any
medication. Every year, more and more research
studies have been completed and have increasingly
shown the effectiveness of PRP.
PRP is a procedure in which a sample of your blood
is put into a special centrifuge which separates your
blood into different components. The part of the
blood that contains the platelets also has a high
concentration of Growth Factors. These Growth
Factors are then injected back into your body part
that is injured to promote healing.
The Growth Factors in PRP work to promote healing
by helping your body to produce “collagen” which is
a building block for musculoskeletal tissue such as
bone, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. They also
promote the growth and development of the actual
cells that make up this musculoskeletal tissue,
thereby helping with the healing process. These
Growth Factors also stimulate new blood vessel
formation and help in the development of “stem
cells” which form the basis of new tissue growth.
The Growth Factors contained in PRP also have an
anti-inflammatory effect.
Some common conditions in sports medicine that are
treated with PRP include:
 Tendonitis, tendinopathies (e.g., “Tennis
elbow”, patellar tendonitis, plantar fasciitis,
rotator cuff injuries, etc.)
 Osteoarthritis of the knee and other joints
 Articular cartilage injuries, meniscus tears
 Other tendon, muscle and ligament injuries
Over the past 5 years, there has been a lot of research
showing the effectiveness of PRP for treating
osteoarthritis (especially OA of the knee). PRP tends
to have a long lasting effect (between 1 to 2 years).
Research indicates that you can expect decreased
pain and improved function for daily activities and
One of the main benefits of PRP injections is the
potential for regeneration of articular cartilage.
Because OA involves degeneration and loss of
articular (surface) cartilage in the joint, there has
been a lot of excitement in the medical community
surrounding PRP because of the potential that it can
slow or possibly reverse this degenerative process.
Research showing its regenerative potential is still in
the early stages, but there have been some very
positive results so far and expectations remain very
high for long term benefit from PRP injections for
treating OA.
Besides the possible complications that can occur
with any injection (see reverse), PRP has been shown
to be very safe, and is not known to have any specific
side effects because the injection involves your own
body tissue.
Summary: PRP is a new type of injection that is
safe and effective in treating various sports injuries
and osteoarthritis. In addition, PRP may have a
regenerative effect in building new cartilage and
hopefully slowing the degenerative process of OA.

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